Hundreds of Migrants Breech Spanish Border

The Gateway Pundit reports a video that has gone viral shows hundreds of Africans celebrating in the Spanish enclave of Ceuta, having successfully crossed from Morocco into the Spanish territory early this morning. Less than a week after the last incursion into Spain’s North African enclave, 300 migrants from Sub-Saharan Africa stormed the Spanish territory just before dawn today. The small city of Ceuta is one of two enclaves retained by Spain as part of its territory following the independence of Spanish Morocco in 1956. As a focal point for those attempting to cross into Europe, most migrants attempt to climb over the fence.

The 20-foot tall border fence separates the territory from Morocco but migrants are frequently successful in overcoming the barrier when a small section is attacked by large numbers. After breaking through the El Tarajal checkpoint at around 5 am, footage shows hundreds of African migrants exuberantly celebrating their arrival into European territory, many in a frenzied state and reacting wildly for TV cameras as they ran along the interior fence-line into the enclave.

Gateway Pundit report found here.

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