Chinese Pushing “Made in China 2025” Strategy

Reuters news agency reports that China is looking to catch up with rivals like the United States and Germany in high-end technology, making a major push with a “Made in China 2025” strategy that identifies 10 key sectors, including robotics, aerospace and clean-energy cars.

According to the report, the United States is concerned that Chinese companies, backed by the state, could overtake its own tech titans.

Chinese trade partners in Europe, especially Germany, have also raised concerns that a more protectionist China is aggressively moving up the value chain faster than expected.

Reuters’ full report is found here.

One thought on “Chinese Pushing “Made in China 2025” Strategy

  1. “According to the report, the United States is concerned that Chinese companies, backed by the state, could overtake its own tech titans.”

    Perhaps not, when it comes to innovation. But, as competent copiers, yes.

    Liked by 1 person

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